No one should go hungry. This year’s challenges have made the need for food donations greater than ever. N.C. Cooperative Extension, Davie County Center, is sponsoring a food drive through December 11th to benefit local food pantries.
Drop Off Donations by December 11, 2020
There will be a collection box outside the front door of the extension office, located at 180 South Main Street in downtown Mocksville, beside the courthouse, for no-contact drop-offs. The office is open Monday-Friday, 8 a.m to 5 p.m, for large donations, just ring the doorbell for assistance.
Items Needed
Non-perishable food items suggested for donation include canned fruits (in juice, water, or light syrup); vegetables (low sodium); soup (low sodium); tomatoes and tomato sauce; applesauce (unsweetened); raisins; fruit cups; dried or canned beans (low sodium); canned tuna, salmon or chicken; peanut butter; dry, evaporated or shelf-stable milk (low fat); brown rice; whole wheat pasta; whole-grain crackers and cereals, such as oatmeal, grits, raisin bran, etc; and high fiber, low sugar granola bars.

Colleen Church, county extension director, said, “Several church-based food pantries have been identified to receive the donations. We hope to collect enough items to share them among multiple locations to reach different areas of the county.”
For questions or more information, contact Cooperative Extension at 336.753.6100, or visit their website at