Online Kindergarten Registration for Davie County Parents

on April 27, 2020

Davie County Schools Are Making Enrollment Easy!

Starting kindergarten is a major milestone in a child’s life, and there are important steps parents can take to make the transition an exciting one. 

Save Time Later and Sign Up Online Now

DCS uses online enrollment forms. To begin the enrollment process and avoid lines in the computer lab in August, you may complete online enrollment from home at Kindergarten Registration.

If you have trouble or do not have access to register online, you can call your local school for help.  “We are committed to helping guide you through this process and transition into public schools!” said DCS Superintendent Jeff Wallace. “We would love to hear from you and get your contact information over the phone so that when our school opens we can bring you in to help you with the registration process.”  

“DCS staff members, in partnership with parents, are committed to ensuring that every child is engaged in extraordinary learning opportunities that stir creativity, cultivate thinking, enhance physical and mental well-being, and optimize the whole learning experience,” Wallace continued. “Enrolling a child in a new school can be burdensome, but we hope this information will be helpful.” 

Planning Ahead for the Kindergarten Tour

Davie County Kindergarten Registration and Tour InformationWhen the schools are able to reopen for parents and students, there will be an opportunity planned for parents and their children to meet kindergarten teachers, administration, and support staff. They will have an opportunity to hear about the educational programs offered for their child, sign up for their school’s kindergarten screening, and take a tour of their new school.    

Peggy Nuckolls, director of preschool services for Davie County Schools, shared the importance of the kindergarten tour and screening and encouraged parents to sign up.

“A tour of the school is helpful to get your child involved in the transition process and allow them to become familiar with the school they will be attending. This opportunity will allow your child to walk through the hallways of their new school, visit a kindergarten classroom, cafeteria, and media center.”  

“We will conduct a kindergarten screening because it is helpful to kindergarten teachers and school administration to get to know your child and determine whether any additional classroom support may be needed,”  she explained. “Kindergarten screenings are also a great way to familiarize your child with his/her new school and gives the school another opportunity to meet your child.” 

An Overview of the DIAL Screening Process

Stephanie Nelson, a collaborative teacher through the DavieLEADS program who is bridging the gap between preschool and kindergarten, helped explain the DIAL screening expectations.

A prospective kindergarten teacher will assess your child in the following areas:

  • Motor Skills ~ Motor skills are related to cognitive development and the ability to perform a number of large and small muscle tasks such as hopping, throwing, building, cutting, and writing their name. 
  • Concepts ~ Concepts are the building blocks of knowledge that allow children to organize and categorize information. This includes naming body parts, objects, counting, and sorting shapes. 
  • Language ~ Language is integral to emotional, social, and cognitive development. Language is critical across the curriculum. This piece focuses on personal information such as name and birthdate, rhyming, and answering simple problem-solving questions. 
  • Self- Help and Social-Emotional Development ~ These portions of the DIAL-4 screening are completed by a parent/guardian. You will be given the opportunity to answer questions about your child’s daily living skills and the skills your child has for building successful relationships with others. 

She went on to reassure parents that the DIAL-4 is NOT an intelligence test, or diagnostic test and is not pass/fail so it does not determine whether your child goes to kindergarten or not.  

“Parents are urged to register for the DIAL-4 screening because the results are being used to help measure kindergarten readiness as part of the DavieLEADS initiative to increase kindergarten readiness and to increase the percentage of students reading proficiently by the end of third grade,”  said Nelson. 

Documentation Required

The following documents are required to be submitted to your school by the state of North Carolina to complete your child’s registration. We ask you to present this information to the elementary school in your attendance zone after registering online. Check your address to determine your elementary school. 

  • Proof of age (a certified birth certificate); must be five on or before August 31
  • Proof of Davie County Residency (power bill, water bill)
  • Parent/Guardian driver’s license (or another acceptable photo id)
  • Health Assessment Form (must be completed by both parent/guardian and medical provider. The physical cannot be prior to 8/27/2019) 
  • Record of Immunizations (required immunizations) – more information about immunizations. Most children receive immunizations at their five-year-old checkup. Turn this information in immediately following the appointment or before the first day of school. If your child’s five-year-old check-up is after the first day of school, we will need proof of an appointment for the five-year-old check-up stating one has been scheduled.  

If you have questions, please contact your elementary school at the number listed below. The public will get further notifications on DIAL screening opportunities and person-to-person registration events.  

  • Cooleemee Elementary   336- 284-2581
  • Cornatzer Elementary   336- 940-5097
  • Mocksville Elementary   336- 751-2740
  • Pinebrook Elementary   336- 998-3868
  • Shady Grove Elementary   336- 998-4719
  • William R. Davie Elementary   336- 492-5421

“We hope you have a smooth transition into our schools and we wish you positive experiences as we work together to ensure your child’s success,” said Wallace.  

Davie County Schools Kindergarten Registration online


About Jeanna Baxter White

Jeanna Baxter White is a writer and the editor of the Davie County Blog. Relentlessly curious, she loves hearing and retelling the stories of Davie County. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends or curling up with a good book.