Town of Bermuda Run, North Carolina, May 16, 2022 – Mayor Rick Cross announced today that Lee Rollins has announced his resignation and will be transitioning from his role as Town
Manager effective June 30, 2022. Also, the Bermuda Run Town Council is announcing today that Andrew Meadwell has accepted the position of Town Manager, to be effective July 1, 2022.
Rollins has served for the past twelve and a half years and asked the Town Council to look
toward a transition in leadership as the 2022 update to the town’s Comprehensive Plan is in
With over twenty-four years of public service, Meadwell has spent the past eighteen years as Senior Planner and Director of Davie County Development and Facilities Services. In that role, he managed the county’s Planning and Zoning, Building Inspections and Facilities maintenance.
He also served as the Planning and Zoning Administrator for the Towns of Mocksville and Bermuda Run. He has over two decades of experience in local government, previously working in Wake and Stokes County. “I want to thank the Town Council for affording me the opportunity to lead this outstanding organization.” Meadwell said. “It is my privilege and honor to be the next town manager for Bermuda Run. The town is a unique, vibrant community with a history of involved residents and forward thinking elected officials. I will continue being responsive to our residents, providing a high level of service and maintaining the Town of Bermuda Run’s great quality of life.”

Mr. Rollins has served as Town Manager since August 24, 2009. “I am grateful to have had the opportunity to serve Bermuda Run’s mayors and town councils these past twelve and a half years. Now is a good time for new leadership as the town moves ahead in updating its comprehensive plan.”
“Andrew Meadwell has been an important part of providing sound counsel to staff and the town council over the years, is uniquely positioned to lead with a seamless transition, and will be a great addition moving forward,” said Rollins. Rollins has offered, and the Town Council has accepted, that he will remain in a consultative role for a period of time to help ensure a smooth transition during this very busy time for our town and county.
“Obviously, I am sad to see Lee depart because he has been a constant leader for our town during these past almost 13 years.” said Cross. “He has been a source of guidance and counsel to me, the Town Council, our town partners, and our businesses and residents. He has been an integral part of the evolution of our town. I am excited for Lee as he turns the page and looks to his next chapter. I am also appreciative that he will be a part of a seamless transition to Andrew Meadwell as our new Town Manager.”
In addressing bringing Meadwell on as Town Manager Mayor Cross stated, “I want to thank the Town Council for their thoughtful and careful consideration in the decision to bring Andrew on as our new Town Manager. I have worked with and gotten to know Andrew during these past few years, and am confident that he will play an important role as we continue to move our town forward.”