As of March 23rd, North Carolina is among the bottom 10 states in the nation for census response.
On Friday, March 20 the U.S. Census Bureau began publishing self-response rates for the 2020 Census. The rates represent the number of households that have filled out their census forms on their own (online, by mail, or by phone) as a percentage of all housing units, since the Bureau started sending out invitations to households in early March to participate in the Census.
How is Davie County Performing?
From March 12 – 23, 16.8% of households in Davie County have filled out the Census questionnaire. Davie County is currently ranked 49 out of 100 counties in NC.
Why Does the Census Matter?
More than half a trillion dollars in federal funds will be distributed to state and local governments through census participation.
The census impacts many programs in both the public and private sector that affect children, seniors, and families, including, but not limited to
- Insurance (including Medicare)
- Food assistance
- Rental housing
- Early childhood programs
- Highways/bridges
- College tuition
- School funding
“These funding allocations are based on census numbers, so the higher the participation, the better the chance of increased funding at the local level,” said Davie County Manager John Eller. “As a community, we need to work together and encourage our neighbors, employers, businesses, and agencies to participate.
“This funding will be particularly important as we recover from the economic effects of Covid-19,” explained Terry Bralley, president of the Davie County Economic Development Commission. “The census is a once-every-10-year event. It’s critical that everyone is counted so that we aren’t at a loss for the next 10 years. I challenge residents to respond to the census now and make Davie County the #1 reporting county in the state!”
How Do You Complete the Census?
You can complete the census online now HERE.
It only takes a few minutes but the results will be far-reaching and long-lasting! If you can’t complete it online, you can participate by phone or request a paper copy. If a household has not responded by the end of April, a census taker will visit the home to collect responses. These in-person visits are scheduled to begin in May.
Your Responses Are Safe!
Your responses will be safe, secure, and protected by federal law. Answers can only be used to produce statistics—they cannot be used against you in any way. The Census will protect your data through the safest and best practices available.
What Will I Be Asked?
- How many people are living or staying at your home as of April 1, 2020.
- Whether the home is owned or rented.
- The sex, age, and race of each person in the home.
- Whether a person in your home is of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin. (This information helps federal agencies monitor compliance with anti-discrimination provisions, such as the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act.)
- The relationship of each person in your home.
You will not be asked about your citizenship status.
Eller urges everyone to participate, “When you participate in the census you are giving your voice and making a stand for a better tomorrow in your community.”
To learn more about the census and how it impacts Davie County, visit HERE.
And now take just ten minutes to complete your census form HERE!