Donations to help families ravaged by Hurricane Sandy will be accepted from companies and individuals across Davie County next week.
A 53 foot tractor trailer will be placed in the Gesipa parking lot early next week to collect donations of items listed below from companies and individuals across Davie County.
Relief collection begins Tuesday, November 6th through Friday, November 16th. We have been assured that this timing is sufficient to do a lot of good for folks that will need help for some time to come.
When Karen Creason, office manager at Gesipa Fasteners in Mocksville called the NJ Gesipa corporate office this week she was informed that most employees of Gesipa in NJ, their families and their neighbors did not suffer massive property damage; however, some of the employees still have no power and those with generators must use them sparingly so as not to run out of fuel.
The employees of Gesipa in Mocksville expressed an interest in wanting to do something to help the people in the New Jersey area. After being told that the greatest need was along the New Jersey shore, about an hour away from the corporate office, that is where the Gesipa employees in Mocksville decided to focus their efforts.
When the telephone call ended, the Gesipa employees in Mocksville decided to send help. Working through their NJ office, they identified a local church in New Jersey to help coordinate their efforts on behalf of the local workers and all of the citizens in the local storm ravaged community.
Any of the items listed below may be taken to the collection trailer beginning next Tuesday. All items collected will be delivered to Fountain of Life Church, 2035 Columbus Road, Burlington, NJ 08016. This is the local New Jersey church that Gesipa is working with. They have provided the following list of the items most in need throughout the community.
The number 1 item of need is CVS gift cards. These can be used by folks in the storm ravaged area to get needed medications. Financial donations in the form of checks made out to “Fountain Charities” are also very welcome. Here is the list of items for the tractor trailer which will be bound for NJ as soon as possible: trash bags, toilet paper, shampoo and conditioner, soap, baby wash, brushes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, powder, flip flops, antibacterial wipes, socks, underwear, t-shirts, men’s large and extra-large clothing, men’s and women’s sweatsuits, feminine care products, magazines and books, kids books, crossword puzzle, soduko and other puzzle books for adults with pens. Please note that no water or food items should be included in the tractor trailer making the trip to New Jersey next week.
Gesipa is located in the SouthPoint Business Park just north of WalMart on US Highway 601 in Mocksville. Send questions to