The value of goods produced in the top 3 NC metropolitan areas growing at double the national rate!

on October 4, 2010

A recent article in the Greensboro News and Record shows that growth in North Carolina manufacturing is playing a key role in US economic recovery.

North Carolina is home to 3 of the top 20 metropolitan areas in the country in terms of output growth.  During the second quarter of 2010, the value of good produced nationally grew by only 0.6% while the value of goods produced in the top 3 North Carolina metropolitan areas grew at about double the national rate.  Details here.

Manufacturing accounts for 20 cents of every dollar of income generated in North Carolina and accounts for only 10 cents of every dollar of income nationally.  As in past recoveries, manufacturing is doing the heavy lifting in the economic recovery for North Carolina.

Additional Resources:
NC Helping Lead Nation to Recovery ~ Greensboro News and Record
Recent Gross Metropolitan Product Change ~ The Brookings Institution


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